Woodworm Lifecycle

Dry Rot

There are four main stages that wood-boring beetles go through in their lifecycle.

Egg form

As with most beetles, the first stage is in egg form. A female woodworm will start the process by laying her eggs directly into the timber through any cracks or crevices that are present.

After a few weeks, the eggs hatch into larvae, which immediately begin to burrow down into the wood. It is at this point the damage to your timber starts!


Woodworm larvae can eat constantly for up to 5 years, moving up and down the timber eating everything in its path. This is where the structural integrity of your wood is compromised, as there are often hundreds of larvae eating at one time.


Dust can sometimes be seen at this point in the cycle, where the larvae reach the edge of the timber and turn back on themselves.


The final stage is the transformation into an adult beetle. The larvae form a pupal chamber and evolve into a beetle within the safety of  the wood. They then eat their way out of the timber and this is often where you will see the small round holes left behind.

And then this cycle starts all over again!

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