Dry Rot Treatment

Dry rot treatment

Dry rot is a wood-destroying fungus that’s present in most regions of the world. Although it can affect woodland timbers, dry rot is better known for its ability to eradicate timbers in ships and buildings.

If you are faced with a serious dry rot problem, investing in a professional to assess the extent of the damage may be a wise move.

Once you have detected the area of wood infected by dry rot, the primary step is to remove the source of water causing the damp before performing any dry rot treatment. The dry rot problem will only reoccur if you do not remove the main source of moisture causing the buildout of dry rot.

Identification of Dry Rot

It is very important identify whether timber decay has been caused by dry rot or another wood-destroying fungus such as one of the wet rots. This is due to the fact that dry rot has the ability to travel through building materials other than timber, giving outbreaks the potential to spread quickly through a building. For this reason added measures (e.g. masonry sterilisation) often have to be undertaken when treating over and above those needed when dealing with breakouts of other wood-rotting fungi.

Typical signs and symptoms of dry rot include:

  • Wood darkens, cracks and shrinks in a “cuboidal” manner
  • A silky grey to mushroom coloured skin frequently tinged with spots of lilac and yellow often develops under less humid conditions. This ‘skin’ can be peeled similar to a mushroom.
  • White, fluffy ‘cottonwool’ mycelium grows under humid conditions. ‘Teardrops’ may develop on the growth.
  • Strands develop in the mycelium.
  • Fruiting bodies are a soft, fleshy pancake or bracket with an orange-ochre surface. The surface has wide pores.
  • Rust red coloured spore dust usually seen around fruiting bodies.
  • Active decay will make a musty, damp odour.

The proper identification of Dry Rot in Crosby is critical in determining the way forward when treating and eradicating timber decay from properties. All Dry Rot Surveys are carried out by Certified Surveyors in Remedial Treatments (CSRT Surveyors) to ensure all our clients are given the proper diagnosis and provide them with a step-by-step plan to eradicate and remove this infection.

SMPS Dry rot treatment

Treatment for Dry Rot can be very costly and disruptive to property owners. It is essential that dry rot is carried out to rigorous protocol to circumvent the infection reoccurring. All our Dry Rot treatments are performed by qualified professionals making sure that each treatment step and procedure is carried out thoroughly to provide all our clients with peace of mind.



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