Stanley House Paisley

Project Type:

Dry Rot



Property Type


Nestled in the heart of Paisley, Stanley House stands as a testament to the town’s rich history and architectural heritage. This historic building, with its unique charm and character, faced a formidable adversary – dry rot. In the pursuit of preserving this architectural gem, a comprehensive dry rot treatment was undertaken, showcasing a successful restoration that harmoniously blends preservation with modern solutions.

The Challenge of Dry Rot:

Stanley House, like many historic structures, encountered the insidious threat of dry rot, a fungus that thrives in damp and poorly ventilated environments. With its ability to spread quickly, dry rot posed a serious risk to the structural integrity and aesthetics of this iconic building. Addressing the issue required a delicate balance between eradicating the infestation and preserving the historical features that define Stanley House.

The Restoration Process:

  1. Thorough Assessment: The first step in the dry rot treatment at Stanley House involved a meticulous assessment of the extent of the infestation. This comprehensive evaluation allowed for a targeted approach, identifying the affected areas and determining the best course of action to mitigate the damage.
  2. Preservation of Historic Elements: Recognising the historical significance of Stanley House, the restoration process prioritised the preservation of original architectural features. Skilled craftsmen worked diligently to salvage and restore intricate woodwork, ensuring that the charm and character of the building remained intact.
  3. Cutting-Edge Treatment Technology: To effectively combat dry rot, modern treatment technologies were employed. This included the use of advanced fungicides and moisture control measures designed to eradicate the existing infestation and prevent future occurrences. The integration of cutting-edge solutions allowed for a more sustainable and long-lasting result.
  4. Collaborative Expertise: Successful restoration often requires a collaborative effort, and the Stanley House project was no exception. A team of experienced architects, preservation specialists, and construction experts worked in unison to address the multifaceted challenges presented by dry rot. This collaborative approach ensured a holistic solution that considered both immediate remediation and long-term preservation.
  5. Post-Treatment Monitoring: Following the completion of the dry rot treatment, a thorough monitoring system was implemented to track the effectiveness of the measures taken. This ongoing assessment provided valuable insights into the success of the restoration efforts, allowing for adjustments as needed to maintain the building’s health and integrity.


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